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The Joy of Learning -- with Isabela Granic
Keynote IT's all in the game: Isabela Granic
That undefinable something... // Isabela Granic
What is the GEMH Lab?
re:publica 2016 – Isabela Granic: Biofeedback Games that Promote Emotional and Mental Health
Game On - PhD Defense - Laudatio speech from prof. Isabela Granic
An Effective Optimism Approach to Parenting in the Digital Now with Dr. Isabela Granic
The Power Of Gaming
Satya Das - guru or swindler? How CORRECTLY how to choose a psychologist? Toxic Family Psychology!
Are we unmaking the world? Iain McGilchrist & Bonnitta Roy in Conversation
Warming-up IT's all in the game: Adam Lobell
Fulfillments and Freedoms - Rethinking Sex with Christine Emba & hosted by Isabela Granic